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10 Ways to Get Your Band Noticed

10 Ways to Get Your Band Noticed Online and Offline

-Get your music on playlistsPost your music on as many free platforms as possible
-Don't just have basic merchandise, try to come up with something unique 
-Promote in-person and local advertising
-Have bloggers do roundups of your inspirations, reviews of your songs, and personal stories
-Create video content
-Electronic Press Kits
-Pitch to radio stations
-Work as a Team
-Live Gigs

1. Get your music on playlists

One thing people do rather than working out, driving home, sitting in the office, studying, or just cleaning the house is listening to music. Popular curators on streaming services like Amazon Music has playlists of music that people follow. Of course, try to stay within your genre and fan base. Send in some songs or podcasts and try to get added to the playlists. It is ok to start small and but don't sell yourself short.

2. Post your music on as many free platforms as possible

The more your name is out there, the more people will hear you. It is always important to try to spread your fan base as well as your connections. Social Media sites such as Facebook, blogging platforms like Yours Truly, etc will increase traffic and popularity. Be careful not to spam. 

3. Don't just have basic merchandise, try to come up with something unique

Everybody loves a badass snapback, hoodie, or koozie. But if everyone is selling the same products, at some point that's all it will become, just another worn-out t-shirt or koozie in the junk drawer. Don't get it wrong though. The basic merchandise list is there for a reason, it sells the most. The number selling item still is a t-shirt. A couple cool items to think about that are simple could be guitar pics, mugs, paraphernalia, ground coffee, buttons? You can put your logo on anything these days. Maybe. Remember COVID still sucks and it trying to destroy everybody's lives. The most  Everybody needs a mask. Just remember to see what your fan base in and what they are wearing and are into. Don't over-purchase and stay within your budget.

4. Promote in-person and local advertising

The day of the flyer and magazine clippings is not over. Taking a little money out of pocket to post flyers, hand out clips, buy some space online or in physical magazines still helps. It is 2021 so everything is just a snap of a phone away.  Make a QR code going to your bands' site or a Spotify Code. You can make a QR code for literally anything. Throw it on a sticker, button, flyer, etc.
Make your own flyers with this paper

5. Have bloggers do roundups of your inspirations, reviews of songs, and personal stories.

There are popular music blogs everywhere. But it can be difficult to get a shout-out, review, or interview on these platforms. But here is also smaller guys in the playing field like myself who are trying to make it and will gladly do just that. The easiest way is to reach out. 

I personally will gladly do a review, QnA, interview, or story. We can work together to get both of us out there. Send me a message on my contact page or a message on my Facebook Page

Here is a good basic plug-and-play to get you started from home.

6. Create video conetent

Create video content rather it is short promotion videos, stories, "about us", etc. Put it up on your social media. Get other pages to post it. Ask bloggers, bloggers, and podcasts to view it. Forward me some content and we can work something out.

7. Electronic Press Kit

What you'll need
  1. Musician Bio
  2. Promo Photos
  3. Music
  4. Videos
  5. Press and Reviews
  6. Highlights and Achievements
  7. Social Media
  8. Contact Information

8. Pitch to radio stations

Send out your EPK to various radio stations, see if they'll spot you. Maybe get yourself an interview. Everybody likes the badass indie and underground bands. It doesn't have to be the most popular rock station in the city. Send it to the intern of the local colleges. The online radio streamers. Everybody's got followers and if you hear their voice on some kind of radio, you know they're passionate.

9. Work as a Team

All the band members need to get together to and assign roles. If you can hire out to achieve all this, then by all means do it. Most bands starting out cannot though. With all the work split up, the easier it will be.

10. Live Gigs

The most obvious. Live Gigs. Go on tour. Tour swap with other bands in other states and countries if you can. The further out you go, the better. Get out there and do what your passion is craving.

I know this is all easier to type and read than it is to actually do it but no one succeeded by sitting on their ass. (I guess I technically am. LOL) I am just starting out as well but I would love to get some bands, studio owners, venue managers, etc in for some interviews, merchandise promotion, and reviews. Like us on social media. Hit those share buttons. Leave us something in the comments and get ahold of us for some details.

Location: Kansas City, MO, USA


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